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April 07
When the World Goes Virtual: Basics of Serverless Computing

When the World Goes Virtual: Basics of Serverless Computing

While headlines last month were dominated by COVID-19, the world of virtualization showed continued advancement through the release of VMWare’s vSphere7 with Kubernetes. The combination of vSphere, VMware’s virtualization platform with Kubernetes, an open-source platform for managing...

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March 31
From SMEs to Families: Enterprise Virtualization Tips for Confinement with the Kids

From SMEs to Families: Enterprise Virtualization Tips for Confinement with the Kids

From virtual machines to virtual workplaces, SME virtualization technology is securing its place in the family household as COVID-19 keeps us home. The shift towards working and studying remotely, however, is just beginning,...

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March 17
Working from Home: Coronavirus Offers a Technological Taste of What’s to Come

Working from Home: Coronavirus Offers a Technological Taste of What’s to Come

It was always going to happen: The combination of innovation in cloud technologies and change in commuting habits for environmental and efficiency objectives would lead enterprises down the path of remote work. Now,...

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