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Support at 7Clouds®

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Commonly Asked Questions FAQ

All our services are backed up daily, including our client WordPress sites. With our service plans, you can view your available backups through our platforms portal. If you need assistance, call us 1-888-718-7101 or open a support ticket. We will gladly assist you. We also offer fully managed WordPress services. Set up your live and a staging site where you can test your upgrades and changes before going live, and we'll make sure your site stays updated and secure.

To adapt to a remote-work environment, we suggest implementing the necessary services for employees to work efficiently, including a remote printing service. Remote printing is a private server setup for your organization that removes the boarders of office walls, allowing you to print from your office desktops to those in your home office or remote location.

Improperly implemented wireless access points are the most likely culprits. We suggest a wireless site survey to help determine the coverage and roaming capabilities of your wireless configuration. More than likely, your mobile device is not roaming from one access point to another.

All public clouds have shared resources. Malicious users use legitimate resources for their activities. As a result, public services often get marked as bad intent. You can avoid this by implementing third party spam filters and designating a reputable SMTP server to send emails on your behalf. However this comes with its own complications. We suggest a privately hosted email service for corporates email systems.

Performing remote vulnerability testing is the best way of determining to which vulnerabilities your website is exposed. We always suggest performing these tests periodically and applying any security fixes as soon as they are released to keep you site secure.

We don't sell a service to a customer; we create the service for the customer. If you're building a website, for example, you'll need far more than a domain name, including a hosting provider, a web developer, a front end programmer, a maintenance and recovery plan, and professional consultation. A website then must be properly managed and maintained (think services and renewals). That's a tall order when you have a business to run. Here at 7clouds, we'll create one service package to meet all these needs, specific to your operations and objectives, so that you can live easy. Have a look at our 7 service domains to see how we can create your custom service plan for anything from the cloud and VPN services to IT support.